Senin, 18 April 2011

The Role of Adaptive Environmental Management in Sustainable Development Case Study Assessing the Economical Benefits of Sustainable Construction in Greece

by : Odysseus G. Manoliadis

(Published by : ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES: New Developments, 2008)

1. Introduction
Recent public awareness of resources and its competing and conflicting use has prompted the sustainable development as a desired goal in the decision making process. The need for new approaches to sustainable management such as adaptive environmental management arises from the relatively new demands posed by the concept of sustainable development.
The importance of information, integration and participation are necessary since science has changed to involve people more closely in research and development. Particular attention is paid to the challenges being posed for science as it seeks to more explicitly deal with the human dimension of sustainable management. The potential for adaptive management as an approach to more closely link research with management and policy is examined.
Effective collaborative management requires different stakeholders associated with environmental problems to develop and enact solutions co-operatively, as opposed to acting as advocates purely in their own interest. However, because environmental issues are generally characterised by conflicting social perceptions, it is often difficult to ensure adequate stakeholder participation in developing and managing information to support collaborative decision making and subsequent change ‘on-the-ground’. Everything has been said about development, but almost everything remains to be said and therefore to be explored or rediscovered, because incontestably, almost everything remains to be done. (Cosmao. 1984) Sustainable management issues continually change over time in response to co-evolving social, economic and ecological systems. Under these conditions adaptive management, offers an opportunity for more proactive and collaborative approaches to resolving environmental problems.
This research represents an inquiry into how an adaptive management that supports the concept of sustainable development can be initiated and implemented in complex, regional or large-scale contexts. An action research inquiry process is used to find improved ways of managing collaborative or multi-stakeholder approaches to environmental management, and to develop an integrated information framework to underpin subsequent decision making. The research involves one main case study economic assessment of sustainable construction.
The main case study around which this research began with a research and development initiative in 2007 to address the problem of the economical benefits of sustainable construction in Greece (Manoliadis and Vatalis 2007). Consistent with an action research process, . . . . . . ..(baca_selengkapnya)  
Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si
(Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management)

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